I was wondering if viola would be a good orchestral instrument for me to learn over the summer..I am going to go into high school next year and I decided that I wasn't going to carry on with band (I play clarinet) for multiple reasons. I still want to continue with music, just not band so I contacted the director and he said I could join the orchestra although I have no experience but I'd have to learn the instrument over the summer. I want to play the viola, but I'm unsure if that'd be too hard for me to learn in just 3.5 months..I am a very fast learner and I'm confident in that but I'm unsure if the viola is too difficult to learn in 3 1/2 months... I will be getting lessons if there's any viola teacher available which I'm sure there is. I'm not interested in any other orchestra instruments besides maybe the violin. There's a lot of violinists, so I want to be unique but if I'm unable to do viola I'll do violin happily. Thanks in advance!