What is a good beginning book?
What is a good beginning book?
11:59 on Monday, January 10, 2005
I was just wondering what a good lesson book for a beginner violist would be. I have played brass for some time, so I understand the basics, but I have not played a string instrument since I was about 12. I have heard of the suzuki method, but the impression that I get is that this is more for very young children. Any Ideas?
Re: What is a good beginning book?
18:29 on Monday, January 10, 2005
(wesley c.)
Suzuki is great for beginning, you don`t necessarily have to start from suzuki 1. Im using #5 and 7 right now, and they serve well to establish and strengthen the basics. I`m not using the method, just the books.
It`s also important that you get etudes and position books.
Oh, and a teacher if you don`t have one. Good teachers are super helpful.
Re: What is a good beginning book?
22:49 on Monday, January 10, 2005
Almost any book you get for a string instrument is going to be aimed at children. And really, that`s okay, because you just need the progression of skills.
If you`ve played before, and you can read music, you won`t need the very basics. Suzuki is fine; it`s a good collection of music even if you don`t use the actual method. But don`t get ahead of yourself; I would start with books 2 or 3. After that you get into standard repertoire, which you shouldn`t attempt if you haven`t played in several years. The books ARE progressive. I use them to teach all of my students.
You can also get "All For Strings" series "Solos and Etudes" books 2 or 3 to work from.