Squeaks on the A-String :)
20:07 on Monday, June 3, 2002
Hey, can someone tell me what causes that squeaky noise when you play on the A-string (and HOW TO AVOID IT???)... it usually comes up whenever I play the down bow on the A-string and it`s sooooo annoying! Help!
Re: Squeaks on the A-String :)
01:37 on Wednesday, June 12, 2002
Hey, happend to me too! you should check to see if you have lots of rosin on the A string. If you have rosin on the string it can cause squeaks. Or if you have learned how to play without moving your elbow sometimes using to much bow can cause it also.
Re: Squeaks on the A-String :)
04:30 on Monday, June 24, 2002
Hey i have been playing the Cello fro 10 years and i am 13. The cause of the squeak is either not enough rosin or you are pushing to hard. one more thing could be the problem your bow is to tight or to lose> other wise the sound should not be there
Re: Squeaks on the A-String :)
04:00 on Tuesday, June 25, 2002
Re: Squeaks on the A-String :)
22:48 on Friday, July 12, 2002
It also happens when you cross strings, making the lil squeak noise when your bow brushes the string, but doesnt fully hit it.. my one teacher called it mice.. make sure you cross smoothly or no amount of rosin or prevention will help...
Re: Squeaks on the A-String :)
19:34 on Monday, July 15, 2002
It usually happens when you play too close to the bridge or because you put too much rosin and the rosin got on the string.
Re: Squeaks on the A-String :)
10:11 on Sunday, August 4, 2002
i`ve been playing for 11 years and i`m 15...so here`s my analysis:
a really important one that evry1 seems to have missed is that it might be your angle of the bow on the string
look in a mirror to see if your bow is at close to a 90 degree angle when ur on the a-string
then of course combine that w/evrything else that all these other people have said b/c those are some really good ideas too...
hope this helps
Re: Squeaks on the A-String :)
09:31 on Wednesday, December 4, 2002
I had the same broblem, then I bought good quality strings which made all the difference.
Re: Squeaks on the A-String :)
22:57 on Wednesday, December 4, 2002
good quality strings and cheap strings,good quality bow and cheap bow and a damaged cello with a small hardly noticable open seem can make the difference between the cello sounding good or squeaky/buzzy
Re: Squeaks on the A-String :)
13:39 on Sunday, January 19, 2003
Re: Squeaks on the A-String :)
00:10 on Monday, January 20, 2003
(John H)
Buy a wolf eliminator GO TO SWSTRINGS.com
Re: Squeaks on the A-String :)
19:23 on Friday, April 4, 2003
you are obsessed with that website!!!