I've been looking all over on the internet for some guidelines for a good cello, I can't seem to find any. I've been looking on Craigslist for a good cello brand but have no clue how to start since I haven't the faintest what's good and what's bad. Can someone tell me some of the good affordable cello brands? Maybe within the price of 1500-3000. I'm hoping I can find a secondhand one for 1000$.
Thanks very much. I appreciate your answers.
Re: What are some good affordable cello brands? 14:53 on Tuesday, August 11, 2009
try Primavera. prima 200 is the cello i have, it's about $1200 with jargar strings. (what country are you in cause i'm in ireland i dunno if u get them in the usa?). i always thought it was pretty good for the money...i don't know about any1 else though.
hey if you're reading this and you play cello, say what brand u have and if there are any primavera people say what u think of those
Re: What are some good affordable cello brands? 16:49 on Wednesday, August 12, 2009