Cello help!!!
18:06 on Tuesday, February 9, 2010
JimiHendrixofcel los96
Posted by JimiHendrixofcellos96
i know that there are amazing cello players out there and i ain't one of them so I'm look for some tips on being a better cello. If there is any advice you can give me ill take it!
Love, the Jimi Hendricks of cellos
Re: Cello help!!!
09:24 on Thursday, March 4, 2010
Re: Cello help!!!
13:33 on Friday, March 19, 2010
JimiHendrixofcel los96
Posted by JimiHendrixofcellos96
ok thanks sorry its taken so long to reply i havent been on the computer lately
Re: Cello help!!!
00:02 on Saturday, July 3, 2010
Re: Cello help!!!
09:27 on Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Re: Cello help!!!
00:34 on Sunday, December 26, 2010
darkestfaerie993 (25 points)
Posted by darkestfaerie993
I know I'm going to sound crazy going against everyone elses advice, but take it from a cellist who has played 5 1/2 years, you don't need a teacher if you are absolutely dedicated. This will be my second year as the principal cellist of my school, and I had to fight against people who had lessons for my spot. Practice, practice, practice is the only key to sucess. Loving what you do doesn't hurt either
Re: Cello help!!!
10:04 on Sunday, December 26, 2010
hegyhati (923 points)
I'm far from being a professional cellist, probably I'll never be. I started learning the callo at my age of 23, and I was/am dedicated to it, love it, etc., but I can not imagine advancing without a teacher. I don't say, that it is impossible, and yes, one should do the 99% of the job at home by practicing. But still, as a beginner like You, I'd put my vote for finding a teacher as well.
Re: Cello help!!!
18:41 on Tuesday, January 25, 2011
18:05 on Monday, February 7, 2011