Cello begginer

Cello begginer    12:42 on Tuesday, April 12, 2011          

(3 points)
Posted by Dzia

A started playing on cello a few months ago, I'm 16. I wonder if I sang a lot when I was a little (and so far)- whether it has an influence on my playing the cello?

Re: Cello begginer    01:21 on Wednesday, April 20, 2011          

(32 points)
Posted by Sean

Have you ever heard the phrase "that persons tone deaf". If you can sing then you have an idea of what you are playing sounds correct. Even when I don't look at how many sharps or flats there are at the top left corner of the sheet music(before the 1st bar on the 1st line), I can still tell if it sounds right as if I'm the one that wrote the music.


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