My cello has been getting a horrible sound.

My cello has been getting a horrible sound.    09:25 on Saturday, October 25, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

My cello I`ve noticed doesn`t ring NEARLY as well as a normal cello. I know there`s something I`m missing that I should be doing but what is it? I don`t need those gadgets that slightly improve sound, I need to know how can I make my ring a WHOLE LOT better.

Re: My cello has been getting a horrible sound.    08:08 on Sunday, October 26, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

When u say ring..well, do u mean sound projection? So, how does yr cello sounds like right now? Is it like a dying cat, or just loud scratchy sound? Or some strange zzzz..? It might be due to anything. Can be yr strings, yr rosin deposits or simply the way u play. I suggest u check yr strings to make sure that they are not dead, check the coiling to make sure that they have not worn out. And check whether they have rosin deposits on them. Then, check yr wrist. Make sure u are setting the bow in the correct angle. And pls use a lot more strength, the bow must bite into the strings and glide along to produce a `ringing` sound. When I say ringing, I mean good resonant, carrying power. And talking about biting power, what brand of rosin are u using? If u`ve checked everything and find that all yr positions are correct, then perhaps change the rosin u use. I prefer Liebenzeller Gold II. It gives it alot more biting power.


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