how to hold the cello right ?

how to hold the cello right ?    06:11 on Sunday, December 14, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts


i got my cello last friday and i love it,
play guitar for a long time, so i hope,
it will take not to long to learn something
on the cello.
Until finding a good teacher i want to start
on my own a few months, learning vibratoes,
a feeling for the note-distances and so on.
Found a great for free-video stream online,
but there are two important starter-things i havenīt understood until now.
1. In which way have i to hold the thumb on the bow ?
Where at the bow exactly ?
2. How to hold the cello itself ?
Hold its weight with the legs alone ?
Cause i could not image how to play for example
a vibrato, if the left hand should also hold
a part of the celloīs weight.
So, if i want to play a vibrato, the only pressure
should exist between the playing finger and
the thumb, is this supposition right ?
Should the vibrato-finger be at exactly the same
position during the vibrato or variing a little ?

so hope someone can help,
thanks & greetings

Re: how to hold the cello right ?    01:50 on Tuesday, December 16, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

1. In which way have i to hold the thumb on the bow ?
Where at the bow exactly ?
-(I don`t know how to tell you this exactly, but...) Grab the black frog with a relaxed right hand(with usually your middle finger, ring finger and thumb), and with your thumb inward, never outward and put your thumb in the frog where it becomes a U and your index and pinky finger should rest over the stick.
-You said you know how to play the guitar, but do you know how to pluck on the cello?

2. How to hold the cello itself? Hold its weight with the legs alone?
-Try to hold the Cello with your legs, not your left arm. Don`t hold on to tight though. When you play with the bow, it obviously puts pressure on the cello towards yourself. Just play easy music and after a while you should feel how you think is best to hold your cello.

3.Cause i could not image how to play for example a vibrato, if the left hand should also hold a part of the celloīs weight. So, if i want to play a vibrato, the only pressure should exist between the playing finger and the thumb, is this supposition right? Should the vibrato-finger be at exactly the same position during the vibrato or variing a little?
-Now you are WAY ahead of yourself with this question!!! You need to learn how to walk before can you run. Just put rosin on your bow and play music until you get it right. When you do, play it again and try to wiggle you left fingers a little. You only grab the cello with you thumb when you are playing above the body and holding on to the rod part (crude description I know) which also goes for playing vibrato. You can`t use you thumb when you are over just the plain finger board (doesn`t that make sence?). Don`t expect to be a pro within the next week.

Re: how to hold the cello right ?    10:02 on Thursday, December 18, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

`When you play with the bow, it obviously puts pressure on the cello towards yourself.`...Yap. I agree with Sean. To me, I feel the best way to hold is to support it with yr legs, but not too tight. Don`t put too much pressure into securing it. Since the weight is gonna be towards u, u should feel like hugging the cello. This is how I feel when I play, always hugging my instrument. Letting it lean naturally against me.
`Now you are WAY ahead of yourself with this question!!! You need to learn how to walk before can you run.` This I agree with Sean also. Vibrato is an absolute technique of a higher order. U will not be able to wield it properly unless yr secured and freed of certain things. Ie: To do a naturally beautiful vibrato (relaxed and wide vibration) u need to be able to free yrself of the `tight grip`/`beginner`s grip`. It`s difficult to co-ordinate yr fingers`s muscles to oscillate between 2 notes(vibrato)consistently, if yr muscles are still tensed and conscious. In my opinion, don`t start anything that is too advanced, as it might result in a wrong technic development, and might evolved into a bad habbit which will be hard to change in time. So many times have I seen students doing vibrato the wrong way, and it`s impossible for them to change their way of movement as they`re so used to it already. Pls dun rush into things like this, when u should be working on yr bow hold and securing yr basic bowing. But pls do get a teacher instead. Happy experimenting anyway and Gd Luck!

Re: how to hold the cello right ?    22:55 on Thursday, December 18, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

thanks very much!

okay, i think iīll have a look for a teacher,
to avoid the first mistakes.
Now i lent me a cello, but donīt know how
much to spent for a cello that is suitable for
the next 2-3 Years. The one i lent would
cost 3200 Euro (bow & bag included) ... hmm


Re: how to hold the cello right ?    11:29 on Saturday, December 20, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Wow! 3200 euro dollars for a starter kit. If yr considering buying that, then u must be damn loaded.


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