Elgar Cello Concerto Second Movement

Elgar Cello Concerto Second Movement    20:12 on Monday, December 29, 2003          
(604 Celloman)
Posted by Archived posts

Hi! I am playing the Elgar Cello Concerto and I cant seem to improve my speed in the second movement! I`m playing quite slow compared to all of the recordings. Is this expected of amateur cellist? Can anyone give me tips to improve. I`ve tried playing it slowly and then speeding up but i lose the beat. Thanks


Re: Elgar Cello Concerto Second Movement    06:06 on Tuesday, December 30, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Try following the melody. If u already have the song in yr heart, then it`s always easy to speed up or slow down. Caz everything will still retain its rhythmic structure, but perhaps more stretched out or compact than b4. But u must know yr notes extremely well b4 u make amendments to anything else. If not, then try working em out in small parts. Dun play 1 whole chunk/section of em. Sometimes I practice 2 bars by 2 bars if I have to make the whole thing smooth.


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