Advice for a Beginner

Advice for a Beginner    19:02 on Monday, January 5, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Hello, I`ve been playing classical guitar for about 5 years and, as there is not alot of further progress to be made, I`d like to learn something new. My real goal is to compose good music so I want something to accompany my guitar and add a full, deep resonance to my music. The cello seems like the best choice so i have some questions.

Will my previous experience w/ the guitar help me in learning the cello? (I`ve found the stand-up bass to pretty easy although I had to guess at where the frets would be).

Would anyone suggest trying to learn on my own with out a teacher?

And how long does it usually take to learn to get the positions just right? How much of it is memorising exact finger positions and how much is just developing an ear for the notes?

Also, what does everyone think is hardest part of learning to play the cello? All opinions are welcome and any help will be greatly appreciated!

Re: Advice for a Beginner    01:45 on Tuesday, January 6, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts



Re: Advice for a Beginner    08:35 on Tuesday, January 6, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

He used the term frets caz he`s a guitarist. Frets are something like yr fingerboards...(TO Sean)
Well, regarding to how much yr playing of the guitar will help u. U`ve got a slight advantage, as u play the I`m guessing that u have pretty big and strong hands. This`ll surely come in handy, as the cello strings get harder and harder to press down the position. And a strong hand will result in a good vibrato, that is if u do it the correct way. There are many complications involved when playing a string instrument. So, as to what is the most defficult thing about playing the cello, well, I can assure u, alot of things are difficult. Unless yr deciding just to play for fun , and not give a damn abt technic. My advice is that u get a teacher and learned it in the serious and proper manner, if not, u`ll not be doing justice to such a wonderful instrument. Okie, here`s what I`ve noticed after teaching for some time.
1. A good bow hold is difficult. But it`s essential to get it correct, caz without this, u can`t get anything done.
2. A good bite on the strings is difficult.
3. Trying to not move the elbow too much is difficult.
4. Changing strings and keeping the `central balance` is difficult.
5. Moving positions is difficult.
6. Vibrato is difficult. Unless u`ve got pretty good muscles co-ordination. And that they`re relaxed, not tensed.
Well, but all these would soon be nothing, once u start yr lesson and take it seriously. Go find yrself a gd teacher. U won`t regret this! Good Luck!

Re: Advice for a Beginner    11:25 on Friday, January 9, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Oh, thanks alot for the advice! maybe I`ll get a teacher after all. I know bad playing habits are hard to break and maintenance alone seems hard enough. At first, I only wanted to play accompaniment to my guitar but, the more I listen to beautiful cello music the more i want to play it really well.
Thanks again!


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