Borrowing a Cello from School
18:03 on Monday, January 26, 2004
Have any of you ever borrowed a cello from your school to see whether you like it or not. I`m thinking about trying this but I`m not sure if the orchestra teacher will let me.
Re: Borrowing a Cello from School
15:47 on Friday, February 13, 2004
(JLW fan)
Nearly all schools let you do this. If they didn`t, there would be a lot a barely used cellos for sale. If yours doesnt, however, big music shops often have rental schemes, so you can decide whetjer u want to continue. Be warned, though, school cellos are usually, erm, substandard, to say the least.
Re: Borrowing a Cello from School
17:21 on Tuesday, March 9, 2004
(Stephen Clark)
I wouldn`t even give that advice to a begginer do you have any idea how horrible school instruments sound?
Re: Borrowing a Cello from School
00:00 on Friday, March 12, 2004
Oh I don`t know about that. My school`s cellos don`t sound that bad. I really don`t think that generalization is fair. But as for borrowing, I`d say go for it. I know my teacher would loan you one. But then again, she`s also the coolest teacher ever :P
Re: Borrowing a Cello from School
21:22 on Friday, March 26, 2004
The only schools that buy good cellos are rich schools, average schools buy sorry sounding cellos. I went to a cheapy school, but there was one really good sounding cello, of course found out it was about 25 years old. Old cheapy cellos always sound better than new cheapy ones, unless there damaged. Oh and the school I went to let me and my brother borrow a cello.