all the notes of the cello
15:57 on Monday, April 29, 2002
(eric scott)
can you help me with this subject
Re: all the notes of the cello
02:48 on Friday, May 31, 2002
it would be kinda hard to do that because theres 7 different poswitions and right now i only know first posion u would probely have to get a fingering chart they sell thoes at any music store
Re: all the notes of the cello
02:49 on Friday, May 31, 2002
it would be kinda hard to do that because theres 7 different positions and right now i only know first position u would probely have to get a fingering chart they sell thoes at any music store
Re: all the notes of the cello
01:40 on Wednesday, June 12, 2002
Yeh there are 7 diff positions. But you know the strings are A,D,G and C. in 1st position when you have 4 fingers down its always the note below it! like 4 on A, thats D right? well the open stringed note below it is D right? well its kinda the same thing when you get into other positions like one down is always the note above it...or an octove higher. i dunno thats just kinda how i remember what allll the notes are on the Cello figure out fingering and it comes eassssy
Re: all the notes of the cello
10:34 on Sunday, August 4, 2002
there are WAY too many notes on the cello to count...but is it really worth it...
why do u want to kno how many notes are on the cello? if it`s for argument`s sake...the cello has the widest range of notes out of all the instruments. isn`t that good enough? if u wanna kno b/c ur starting to play the instrument...u really don`t need to know yet! u can cross that bridge when u come to it. if there`s someother reason...then please say so
Re: all the notes of the cello
09:44 on Monday, October 21, 2002
The `cello has a virtually unlimited range from the C two octaves below middle C to where the fingerboard runs out on the A string, which on my instrument and with my ability is about G two octaves above middle C. Within that you have all the chromatic notes and of course everthing in between, which is why we can sound out of tune!
Self teaching of cello
18:03 on Thursday, May 22, 2003
Hi, I want to know if it is ppossible to self teach the cello. I have wanted to learn for ages and now the means have come for me to do so. I self tought myself the piano and i can play the clarinet. Any reply would be greatly appriciated.
00:17 on Friday, May 23, 2003
Well, if you self taught yourself those other instruments, then you can tune the cello very easily to make sure it sounds right when playing. You should also try to find a cello playing book for beginners that has pictures of how to hold the cello and bow. The first thing you do is puuck on one string like the D string, then later on all four. once you can play easy music like Marry Had a Little Llamb then you can start to use the bow. Never start using the boe first, it will just make it harder. Anyways, when using the bow, try to play the music you already know and go on from there. When it comes to playing a hard piece of music on the cello, plucking is always easier, unless you are playing something fast.
Re: all the notes of the cello
00:19 on Friday, May 23, 2003
I also meant playing all the easy music from the cello music book for beginners.
self teaching cello
02:25 on Friday, May 23, 2003
Re: all the notes of the cello
17:19 on Friday, May 23, 2003
Re: all the notes of the cello
13:17 on Thursday, August 14, 2003
I would say if you want to learn the cello, you should get teaching though, because although you can get books and stuff, theres no substitute for being shown something, and how will you get stuff such as bow hold and vibrato right? I dunno maybe it`s possible to learn from printed diagrams and instructions, but I doubt you`d get to be very good without being SHOWN the basics...
Re: all the notes of the cello
14:12 on Monday, September 22, 2003
Re: all the notes of the cello
21:58 on Sunday, October 12, 2003
i love the cello
Re: all the notes of the cello
18:38 on Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Try experimenting! like if your listening to a song you like, listen to the chorus and try and match the notes to it with the cello. It`s easy and fun. Like i listen to AFI and there is one song that it is very clear they use a cello and i listen to the notes and then try to matchit with various notes on the cello. ~ o and good luck with teaching yourself to play cello. It`s a great instrument -- alot deeper than the violin and that awful E string. ~