Bass Key
20:53 on Sunday, January 4, 2004
Is there a specific key that the upright string bass plays in?
Re: Bass Key
22:36 on Monday, January 5, 2004
You could say that the bass reads in C, but an octave below the real bass clef. When you play an E, you hear a concert E. To be technical, or just using the correct terminology, the bass is in concert pitch. But about the octave lower, the C that we read is actually below on a ledger line in the real world.
All that was probably more wordy that neccicary.
Re: Bass Key
12:55 on Saturday, October 2, 2004
gud day, im very particular to the bass key. just because its very complicated to me to analyze the key in a certain music. hope you can teach me as well as.. honestly im a begginer in playing a bass, and hopefully if possibly i can learn from you, especially in the bass key... jesse