accoustic basses???
12:47 on Friday, February 20, 2004
hi every1! I`m really stuck. ive been wantin to play the bass for a while now but ive been putting it of because i prefere an accoustic sound, recently though i brought sheryl crows greatest hits and was flicking through the cover when i saw her holding what looked like an accoustic bass! can anyone tell me if they are real or if im just wrong! i`d be greatful for an answer! thankyou!
Re: accoustic basses???
20:13 on Friday, February 20, 2004
They`re real - they look just like acoustic guitars, but only have 4 strings (that I`ve seen, I`m sure you could get 5 and 6 string varieties).
Re: accoustic basses???
22:51 on Friday, February 20, 2004
Oh yeah. Acoustic basses are real. You can even get them in 5 and six strings, but those are soooooooo rare. Acousics have the advantage of being lighter and more portable, but I prefer the loud noise over it any day! By the way, basses rule.
Re: accoustic basses???
23:25 on Friday, February 20, 2004
Yes, there is such thing as an Acoustic base and to find out more information on them I suggest you search
Re: accoustic basses???
23:48 on Monday, February 23, 2004
Georgia, it`s Bass, not Base
Re: accoustic basses???
20:12 on Thursday, March 11, 2004
ive got an acoustic bass. its a rare ferrington model. ill sell it to you if you want.
Re: accoustic basses???
16:48 on Monday, March 29, 2004
Re: accoustic basses???
18:23 on Tuesday, April 13, 2004
How much??????????????!
Re: accoustic basses???
00:49 on Wednesday, July 14, 2004
yes, HOW MUCH?!?!?!?
Re: accoustic basses???
03:30 on Saturday, August 7, 2004
(Cou jerro)
yes, acoustic bass guitars are VERY rare, and finding one that`s not an acoustic/electric hrbrid any more is very hard, but they exist, in all shapes and sizes, well, not all, 4-5-6 strings, frettless, bowed back, etc. but for cost expect somewhere around 400 dollars, most of them aren`t commonly mass-produced so they are more oftenly handmade... so do expect higher prices.
Re: accoustic basses???
09:21 on Thursday, August 26, 2004
i`ve got an accoutic bass fromm Vanderson
The only problem is that i can`t seem to find ag guitarbag that can fit it!
I paid 350 EUR for it so i think that is about 390 dollar
search for there website
Re: accoustic basses???
09:47 on Thursday, September 16, 2004
Hmm I see acoustic basses al around in the better guitar shops and btw 350 EUR is about 280 dollars, so keep on searching nad try calling suppliers
Re: accoustic basses???
10:54 on Saturday, October 9, 2004
i would lean towards a tanglewood or takamine.
Re: accoustic basses???
10:36 on Sunday, November 7, 2004
(saint nobunaga)
yes, acoustic basses are definately real. i prefer elec though but ethier way its still a bass so it has to be good
Re: accoustic basses???
14:58 on Saturday, November 27, 2004
I have an earthwood. I bought in on ebay a few years back on ebay. I love it. It is the only ABG that has enough punch to not plug in. I used used on a CD and it mic`d and recorded great. There is a little cupping in front of the bridge and the finish is a bit funky, but it plays great. My understanging is it is simole math to make an ABG. It takes 4.5 square ft of space to puch a Low E. All of the other ABG are just to small. If find one, buy it!