frets and fretlesses..
08:54 on Friday, March 12, 2004
Can a fretless bass do everything a fretted bass can and vice versa?
Re: frets and fretlesses..
05:49 on Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Re: frets and fretlesses..
02:20 on Thursday, March 18, 2004
Thanks for your reply, I am seriously considering getting a fretless bass as my first bass guitar. I`ve been taking double bass lessons so the whole fretless thing doesn`t scare me at all. It`s more the sound of the fretless that I really like. I was just afraid of pigeonholing myself if all I had was the fretless.
Going to have a look at your websites now.
Re: frets and fretlesses..
07:15 on Thursday, March 18, 2004
Definately go fretless. Personally, I think it sounds cooler. Try different kinds out at the music store. You`ll notice the fretless has a more throaty, growly sort of sound, whereas, a fretted bass have a brighter sort of, I don`t know, zingy sort of sound due to the metal. Here, I`ll tell you what. If there is a bookstore called Barnes and Noble in your area, buy "The Bass Player Book" By Karl Coryat (really, he edited it, because lots of diffeerent bassists wrote different sections of the book. Buy it. It tells you everything from technique to buying your own bass. I suggest reading it. If there is not Barnes and Noble bookstore in your area, I`m sure the book can be found in some music store or the people at the music store will know about it. Also check out bass guitar for Dummies: I swear, I effectively doubled my ability to play in one night! Read, these books and they`ll help. Okay, bye!
Re: frets and fretlesses..
17:16 on Tuesday, April 6, 2004
If it`s not too late, keep this in mind. Fretted are easier to keep in tune and to play. Bye!
Re: frets and fretlesses..
04:59 on Thursday, April 8, 2004
Hi Josh, I ended up buying a bass on ebay, a fretted Yamaha BB350. I read some good reviews about that model, the bass was in great condition, and the price was good so I couldn`t pass it up. I also bought "Bass Guitar for Dummies" and it`s pretty good! Been learning a few things off it.
But this also means I`m still on the market for a fretless.. when I can afford it again. Brand new fretlesses are hard to find in Melbourne Australia, much less 2nd-hand ones.
Thanks to everyone for their input. 
Re: frets and fretlesses..
18:26 on Tuesday, April 13, 2004
No prob. Hey, did you read about the inverted fretted basses in "Bass Guitar for Dummies"? I wonder how those sound? If you have`nt read about them, they`re at the section about proper bass buying.
Re: frets and fretlesses..
20:52 on Thursday, April 29, 2004
Hi Josh, where in the book does it talk about inverted fretted basses? Are you referring to the fretless basses with the inlaid frets? - James.
Re: frets and fretlesses..
21:40 on Friday, June 4, 2004
Re: frets and fretlesses..
19:50 on Sunday, June 6, 2004
I would say those basses sound exactly like other fretless basses (not taking into consideration type of wood etc). The inlaid frets are there for reference/cosmetic purposes only as far as I know.
Right now I`m thinking of de-fretting my 4 string after I get myself a 5 string..
Re: frets and fretlesses..
11:21 on Thursday, June 10, 2004
Sweet, ya, do that. As for the inlaid frets, I think it actually does affect the sound somewhat, but I`ve never played one. But if I was to choose, I`d take the inlaid frets simply for the reference. To be honest, I haven`t played long enough to even read bass music fluently, much less play a fretless very well, but that`s just my opinion. Anyway, I say rip the frets out of the four stringer and buy a five string! Bye!
Re: frets and fretlesses..
00:42 on Wednesday, July 14, 2004
rip the frets out anyway, jaco pastorius, youre not a bass player unless youve heard him, did that and he was the greatest player ever, took his fingerboard and took that off too. his bass is so kick ass, too bad he died