I need advice on a bass guitar please
I need advice on a bass guitar please
12:53 on Saturday, May 15, 2004
(Help Needed)
Okay. I`m wanting to get a Peavey Millennium Bass 4 Quilt Top BXP Electric Bass Guitar. For an amp i was thinking Hartke B150 15 Watt Combo Bass Amp. *Are those good?* I don`t need like an 100 Watt or anything, I`ll only be practicing at home, so a 15 Watt would be sufficient.
My question is what else am I going to need? Am I going to need to buy other wires and stuff too? The bass comes with a case and the amp features a 6.5" driver,15 Watt amp and includes a 3-band EQ, an effects loop and line and headphone outputs. I just don`t want to get this stuff and then not be able to play with it right away for lack of parts if ya know what i mean.
Re: I need advice on a bass guitar please
00:35 on Wednesday, July 14, 2004
thats good stuff, but if you are going to get that stuff, get a strap and a cord to plug the bass in, and dont worry about the amp being small, just be worried about turning it up too much and blowing the fuse.