Piano_Princess (103 points)
Well if it's the violin you want to play, then I'd reccommend going straight to violin. Learning the guitar first probably won't help you with much other than reading music, which you'd learn anyway when you learn the violin.
It might seem like the guitar might be easier to play, but it's probably just as complex. Plus the fact, if you learn guitar, it'll delay you're learning of the violin. And of course learning one instrument first would make a second instrument slightly easier to learn, but that's really all down to the music reading side of things. All instruments are different.
I suggest you get a violin teacher, and get started on that without playing the guitar first. It'll probably be you're best bet. I have a friend who plays the Violin and Viola, and she then taught herself guitar and piano, but it took quite a while I think.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do. Both instruments are great!!
Love Laura