MickTheLamb (1 point)
I'm looking for some advice so feel free to put me on the right track or correct me if I'm wrong anywhere.
Task 1
I'm looking for an effects unit/pedal set up. Something simple to use with a built in tuner; delay, echo etc. (I presume they all have a tuner anyway these days). I'd like to use it with my electric and semi acoustic guitars; I've seen the Zoom 504 - would this be any good. I wouldn't mind having a dabble with the E2 Headrush as well as I'd like to try recording loops and so on. Is there anything similar in a package?
Budget is no more than £100.
Task 2
An amp - the trusty Park amp has died, not a lot of balls in the first place behind it so it needs replacing. I don't even know the watts on it but I know I'm not looking for a stack or anything mammoth. Something I can carry easily but not being too small to sound like a transistor radio.
I'd be using it in pubs and at home.
By the way, if it matters I use a squire strat for messing about on and a Yamaha APX-5A.