Electric guitars, amps, pedals... NEED HELP!!!
Electric guitars, amps, pedals... NEED HELP!!!
21:33 on Saturday, August 28, 2010
 TheMusicMaster7 (27 points)
Posted by TheMusicMaster7
I own an acoustic-electric Epiphone guitar, but I want to buy a full on electric guitar. I like alternative rock and classical rock. Are there any good electric guitars for that type of music genre? Also I need to buy another amp. The amp I have is small and does not have distortion on it. Could I just keep my amp that I own for my Epiphone and just buy a good distortion pedal? Or should I buy an amp with distortion on it? Do amps even come like that? See I don't understand any of this. If someone could answer my many questions and could explain all of this to me that would be awesomes. So if you have any info at all please reply to my forum. Thanks! All info appreciated.
My price range is up to 350 USD. Thanks again.
Re: Electric guitars, amps, pedals... NEED HELP!!!
15:04 on Tuesday, August 31, 2010
 stevievanclapton (13 points)
Posted by stevievanclapton
Generally speaking, yes you can use the amp that you already have. Most amps do come with distortion. You first need to find out if you have a normal amp or if it was specifically made for acoustic/electric guitars. To do this just google the brand and model and you should be able to find general info that will tell you. If it is for acoustic/elecrtics you probably need to get a new amp (try a small, used Hughes & Kettner from eBay). Otherwise a good pedal, (I would recommend Boss or Zoom) will do fine. As for a guitar, you can get a nice used mexican Fender Stratocaster on eBay for around $250.00. They are cheaper than American strats for two main reasons: The electronics (pots, pickups, etc.) are a little lower quality, but still better than most entry level electrics, and the parts are sent to mexico for assembly where labor is cheaper. All of the parts are still made here.
Hope this helps,
Re: Electric guitars, amps, pedals... NEED HELP!!!
20:23 on Friday, September 3, 2010
 TheMusicMaster7 (27 points)
Posted by TheMusicMaster7
Kewl, that helped a lot. I'm fine with the used amp, but is their another Fender Strat. (mexi) I could could get new? Because I was thinking of a new guitar... But your info did really help. I found a Epiphone Les Paul Specila II for about 180 USD on Guitar Central.com and I was thinking about that one, cuz it also has free shipping... Does that guitar look good for the genre of music I want to play? Thanks again.
Re: Electric guitars, amps, pedals... NEED HELP!!!
20:24 on Friday, September 3, 2010
Re: Electric guitars, amps, pedals... NEED HELP!!!
22:28 on Friday, September 3, 2010
 stevievanclapton (13 points)
Posted by stevievanclapton
Yeah, there not bad guitars. A new Mex Strat costs like 350.00 i think. If you get an epiphone les paul look for a 4-knob model not a 2-knob. A 2-knob isnt too bad but youll wanna replace it before too long. Take a look at a pawn shop and do some research on them. You can usually get them cheap.
Re: Electric guitars, amps, pedals... NEED HELP!!!
13:52 on Saturday, September 4, 2010
 TheMusicMaster7 (27 points)
Posted by TheMusicMaster7
Ok, I'll look around at our local guitar shop. I looked up my amp and it's fine to use it... It's not just made for my acoustic/electric. So I was thinking about buying a Boss DS-1 because I keep hearing their good. I found one new for something around 35 USD. Good buy?
Re: Electric guitars, amps, pedals... NEED HELP!!!
22:52 on Saturday, September 4, 2010
Re: Electric guitars, amps, pedals... NEED HELP!!!
19:22 on Wednesday, September 8, 2010