playing tips

playing tips    21:34 on Friday, January 2, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Hey, can anyone help me i`ve been playin guitar for about a year, but I dont know where i can get any good instructors or any more experienced musicians. If you have any info please respond

Re: playing tips    17:54 on Wednesday, January 7, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

these are just a few general tips, but here ya go:
try and practice alot with a metronome, do things like chromatic runs up and down with a metronome clicking in the background.
I think the most important tip I can give you is if you are learning something hard or fast, or both, play it very very slowly, for awhile I was always trying to impress my friends and I`d play stuff fast and sloppy, and I see people doing this alot, but fast and sloppy wont get you and cleaner, it`ll just be even faster but still very sloppy. Play things as clearly as you can, I still try and tell myself this when I am playing, it can seem very boring and feel like you arent making progress but you`ll be suprised how easy a piece you never thought you could learn will come to you after a couple of months with the right practice.

Re: playing tips    10:32 on Saturday, January 10, 2004          
(ari stoner)
Posted by Archived posts

here are some places you can get lessons: Meridian music, Butler University, and Sam Ash! trjy em


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