Help please!
21:06 on Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Help!  I really really want to learn guitar bad, but my parents don`t want to pay for lessons, plus I dunno where to go for them. I could teach myself if someone just showed me a couple of notes on the guitar, all I know is one... G major.. and that`s obviously not getting me anywhere.. so could someone show me a few more?
Re: Help please!
07:46 on Wednesday, January 21, 2004
(Han Solo)
Try this link for online tips and lessons:
Good luck
Re: Help please!
07:56 on Wednesday, January 21, 2004
(Han Solo)
P.S. There are a lot of other sites ofcourse; mail if you can`t find what you`re
looking for.
you asked for help.....
14:50 on Wednesday, January 21, 2004
| it is
Try going to your local music shop and seeing if there is a beginners book. It would teach you all the notes as your going along. Its what i did with the clarinet and i`m sort of getting good at it now.

Re: Help please!
13:25 on Wednesday, February 4, 2004
Try Their lessons are great for beginners and beyond.
For note reading, go to the music store and order from Belwin`s 21st Century Guitar Libraryby Warner Bros. Publishing, Guitar Method 1 by Aaron Stang with the CD, since you don`t have a teacher. IT will be $16 or so instead of $6 with the CD, but you`ll be able to know if you are playing right this way. This is what I use with my students and I have been happy with the Song Trax and Rock Shop
Your parents will probably change their mind about lessons once they see that you are serious about learning and practicing. They probably think it`s just a faze and you`ll drop it in a month and be onto something else. Prove them wrong and you`ll win them on your side. I work with a lot of teenagers, so I`ve seen this happen.
Good luck to you!
Please post if you have any problems with the music. I`ll try to keep checking in.
Re: Help please!
20:18 on Tuesday, February 17, 2004
(Jim B)
I`d be willing to answer questions and help if I can. Feel free to email me at