Help!!! restringing
18:23 on Wednesday, January 28, 2004
Im having a hell of a time trying to re string my steel string acoustic. Does anyone know of a site that has diagrams or pictures? I also have accidentally bent part of my string near the tuning head... is that really bad? I hope i dont need to buy another strings, I just bought the set today  Please help... thanx
Re: Help!!! restringing
19:39 on Wednesday, January 28, 2004
I`m not sure whether I will be of much help, but could you elaborate on your specific problem and what the headstock set-up is. There are at least three dif. types of headstocks. I`m guessing that you`re using the flat piece of wood with the knob/poles that the strings wrap around sticking up, perpendicular to the board. Or else you are using the classic style where there are two oblong holes with the "poles" running in the same plane as the board. They are then connected to a gear and then to a screw and then to the tuning knob. Yeah... so what`s the problem?
Re: Help!!! restringing
19:45 on Wednesday, January 28, 2004
yeah that sounds like the kind I have, Im confused as to how much string is left after you put the string through the hole, am i suppossed to cut it off or am i to wind it onto it, though I thought I was supposed to wind the other end around... sorry for being suck a pain, ill try to answer any questions you have
Re: Help!!! restringing
11:13 on Thursday, January 29, 2004
Ive got it but now when im tuning the damn bridge pin keeps popping out on the top string any help?
Re: Help!!! restringing
20:21 on Thursday, January 29, 2004
Well, I`m not quite sure what to say about that. Partly because I`m not even sure what`s happening. Here I am--I thought I knew about guitars, but I`m stumped on what a bridge pin is. Sorry, but could you elaborate more?
Re: Help!!! restringing
21:38 on Thursday, January 29, 2004
If the bridge pin is popping out, the string is not set correctly before you push the pin in.
The pin should hold the ball on the string slightly underneath the wood so it is locked into place. Be sure to push the string well into the hole, push in the pin, then while holding the pin you can pull on the string towards the head stock and if it is set correctly, you will not feel the pin rising.