Wide Fretboard?
12:22 on Monday, March 1, 2004
I would just like to know if there is any electric-guitar types or models that has very broad/wide fretboards?
I ask on behalf of my big hands
Thanks in advance.
Re: Wide Fretboard?
12:11 on Thursday, March 4, 2004
Sorry, Bull, I can`t answer this question specificially because I have the totally opposite problem -- very small hands. However, I do have some advice.
You definitely want a 25 1/2 scale length, because you want more distance between the frets too. Compare nut widths in the specs when you are surfing around company sites to help you determine what is wider.
Take a look at what the shredmasters are playing. These guys have huuuuge hands. Satriani plays Ibanez. You might also want to take a look at Jackson, ESP, and Peavy. Also look for old ones from the late 80`s/early 90`s -- my old Pacifica 521 from this era has a wider, flatter neck.
I`ll keep my eye out for something for you as I am always looking at guitars. If I find something specific, I`ll write back.
Good Luck!
Re: Wide Fretboard?
12:27 on Thursday, March 4, 2004
Hey Bull,
I was searching around after posting for you and suddenly thought of Warmoth. They have an extra wide neck! Here`s the link:
Build your own guitar or change one you`ve already got.
Let me know if you like this idea.
Re: Wide Fretboard?
03:25 on Monday, March 15, 2004
Thanks for your help.
That site was great, and i thing I`ll order one of those super-wide necks, but there was one thing I`m not quite sure about. What is as "small STRAT" because that was the only type-strat that could be used with this neck. I`ve got a squire affinity(yeah I know, I`m buying a better one soon), and wonder if that it is a "small STRAT".
Thanks again.
Re: Wide Fretboard?
07:29 on Monday, March 15, 2004
Hey Bull!
I checked it out and the "small strat only" refers to the style of the peghead -- another name for the the headstock at the top of the neck where the tuners are. You won`t have any problems and it will just look like a regular strat instead of one of those old fashioned ones with the large headstock.
But, wow, that neck is going to cost more than that whole Squier you have. Since you`re getting a neck anyway, you might want to consider building a guitar from the ground up. Warmoth also has custom bodies, pickguards, hardware, and finishes, so you could actually build your dream guitar a piece at a time. Here`s the link:
Of course, you can still just get the neck and replace your neck Fender. There was some note about possibly fitting other brands, but you need to check it out carefully first.
Good luck!
Re: Wide Fretboard?
23:50 on Sunday, November 7, 2004
(Dwight Listmayer)
Guitars with wide necks: Paul Reed Smith or Santana; Peavey Wolfgang. Some Rickenbackers. Strat Man Dwight