my first REAL guitar
14:16 on Saturday, March 6, 2004
hi im 11 i just got a Inbanez electic/acustic guitar & i need some advice on getting from one chord to the next please & thank you!
Re: my first REAL guitar
14:22 on Saturday, March 6, 2004
Practice in front of the TV. Yes, really. That`s how I learned and that`s what I tell my students.
Without using your strumming hand, practice fingering one chord, then another and then back again (ex. C-G-C-G) while you are watching your favorite shows. After a while, switch to another pair. Eventually, you will be able to switch without looking.
Do this in addition to your regular practice and you will make faster progress. Promise.
Re: my first REAL guitar
13:34 on Monday, March 8, 2004
I`m 11 too! Got a nice Admira Malaga. As they say, practise makes perfect. Never try to play too quickly, as it will do no help. If you are practising a good tune, don`t give up  . Practising changing simple notes and chords will help, and when you think you are ready start trying some of the more difficult ones. GL!
Re: my first REAL guitar
15:33 on Friday, April 9, 2004
(The Who)
Wow, I`m 11 too. And I just got my guitar like a week ago. I didn`t start off in a acoustic. The reason I didn`t is because I take the Indian hand drums (tabla). So I fiugerd that I dont need to plus i can read music because I have been playing the saxophone for like 4 years! But, I need help in Power Chords.