Possibly Starting Guitar
Possibly Starting Guitar
21:27 on Wednesday, June 2, 2004
Hey, I`ve been thinkin bout startin the guitar for a while now, and in music class I just got a reason to maybe get serious about it. The teacher gave us an exercise to do (PIMA, I`m not sure if it`s really that hard, she just told us she`d be happy if we could do it by the end of school) everyone else just gave up on it, meanwhile I had got it in 2 mins and making my own variations in 4. I`m also accelerating in piano extrememly quickly, so I`m wondering whether the Piano would help me get good at guitar quickly, whether me mastering the exercise quickly meant anything, and is it worth it to start now (I`m 13)
Re: Possibly Starting Guitar
23:27 on Sunday, November 7, 2004
(Dwight Listmayer)
Yes, progress on the piano can lead to progress on the guitar. Certainly in music theory, also in finger flexibilty and range of motion, speed as well. Strat man Dwight
Re: Possibly Starting Guitar
12:43 on Tuesday, November 9, 2004
(Dwight Listmayer)
Possibly, ask your music store about a short scale guitar, such as Epiphone by Gibson, since your hands may not be fully grown yet. It will be easier to play, and help you continue once you`ve started. Strat Man Dwight