Looking to buy myself a first guitar
Looking to buy myself a first guitar
09:21 on Saturday, December 4, 2004
So I`m a rookie looking for a new guitar. Ive looked at pacifica`s, strats, and random other guitars on ebay. What should i go for. When i look at something too nice people say "you dont need to spend that much when u never played before" some people say "spend what you want coz if you get something nice and it dosent work out for you at least u can sell it on for a bit". I love the look of les pauls and this is a guitar that i have been watching for a while on ebay..... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=3766221874&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT do i bid? or not.
Thanks alot
Re: Looking to buy myself a first guitar
15:17 on Saturday, December 4, 2004
The best thing to do is go to a guitar shop and play around. I have a les paul and a strat and they have very different neck shapes. Find out which is comfortable for you to hold. If you like a strat go with a squire for your first guitar, if a les paul pick an epiphone. That guitar you linked seemed to be some small name guitar.
Re: Looking to buy myself a first guitar
12:14 on Monday, December 6, 2004
(Dwight Listmayer)
I agree with, and could say the very same words as Sean, the previous poster. Good advice to the wise already, and you are wise to ask questions. In the beginning for me, I had to return at least 3 mail-order guitars that wouldn`t let me play. A recognized brand name, or one you have at least tried will benefit you. Some stores may carry the Epiphone SG starter pak, which has everything you need. I recommend the Gibson-style shorter scale guitars to start. They have slacker strings, easier to play and stick with it. Strat man Dwight