omg, amy lee is amazing at the piano! it took me like 4 weeks to learn "my immortal". the chorus is probably one of the most difficult pieces i've ever learned, and i've been playing for 5 and a half years!
Hey, I learned My Immortal, Bring Me to Life, and Hello in three weeks! I went to an Evanescence show in Denver on October 24 and got to talk to Amy Lee for a very brief moment (the furthest back I got was a yard from the stage)!! Anyways, I didn't know so many people here liked Evanescence so much!! THAT'S VERY AWESOME!!
P.S. Not to be snooty, but My Immrotal is a piece that my piano teacher tells me to warm-up with!! (PLEASE don't take that as me being snooty....not my intention).