Silly question needing answer, please.

Silly question needing answer, please.    07:15 on Sunday, June 10, 2007          

(1 point)
Posted by TLaine

Im a beginner and still struggling to read notes properly..
So heres the question:
Does it matter how long the notes are or if their facing up or down. If it has some effect then what? Or is it just to make the notes fit better?
This question is silly but ive been wondering about it too long so i had to ask..=/


Re: Silly question needing answer, please.    12:46 on Monday, June 11, 2007          

(4 points)
Posted by Jackthelad

Make the notes fit on the page better, dosn't affect the length or the way it is play. Generally if the notes is below the middle line the stem is pointed down. If it is on the middle line or above the stem points upwards. This is optional, but generally it works like this.


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