I just had an idea. I noticed there's a lot of self taught pianists here and i was wondering, since most people always do better when learning something with someone else, if they would like to do that with me. I thought if someone was at the same level as me, we could both pick a song off of this site and see who could learn it by a certain deadline. If you're not at the same level as me, you could do it with someone else. To prove it, we would post it on our profile. I don't know, i thought this would be a fun way to keep practicing. If you think the idea is dumb, you can tell me too. lol.
Re: I had an idea 06:05 on Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Good idea but yes it would be a bit tricky to work it out.
you can get free sheet music to practice with from http://www.mx-music.com
Good site has new sheets almost everyday.
Re: I had an idea 11:43 on Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Thanks for the replies. I would love someone to tutor me but i didn't want to really bother anyone that much. I think if that were the case, I would just pay someone to teach me because I would feel bad other wise. I don't know. I just thought this would be a fun idea. Thanks again for helping me out.