How to read and play sheet music with 3 clefts
18:43 on Sunday, February 24, 2008
Re: How to read and play sheet music with 3 clefts
21:27 on Sunday, February 24, 2008
 blueeyedbassoon (264 points)
Posted by blueeyedbassoon
Anyone, feel free to correct/add to this. But typically when you have 3 staves one of your hands, usually the left hand will cross over the right hand to play the 3rd staff. Music is sometimes written in 3 staves so its easier to read. For example, the left hand will have bass clef as usual, the right hand has treble clef, and then a 3rd staff above that for the left hand. Most songs are written so that the left hand plays something in bass clef, then has enough time to cross over the right hand to play the 3rd staff. Ask me to clarify this if you don't understand or if I'm just plain confusing you. Rachmaninoff's prelude op.32 no. 2 goes into 4 staves, 2 for each hand.
Re: How to read and play sheet music with 3 clefts
23:18 on Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Re: How to read and play sheet music with 3 clefts
18:20 on Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Re: How to read and play sheet music with 3 clefts
11:23 on Friday, February 29, 2008
 Pianist_Unlimite d
Posted by Pianist_Unlimited
Alrighty ur promblem solved! The second treble cleff is for VOCAL MELODIES ONLY so just play the bottom two cleffs. hope this helps.