Just started cant read music
18:14 on Sunday, April 17, 2016
 iveonlyjustbegun (2 points)
Posted by iveonlyjustbegun
I recently got a piano for my birthday and before I got it I had reserached music and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't read it, then someone introduced a super easy way for me to play. They labeled all my keys with letters so I could just look up a song and play the letters they have listed in a row, so I've learned all of the basics really easily but is there a program that can continue to convert them? I'd really like to learn fur elise im sure its complicated and otis reddings hard to handle even more so but that's what i'd like to work up to. here is an example of what im talking about.
Re: Just started cant read music
18:15 on Sunday, April 17, 2016
 iveonlyjustbegun (2 points)
Posted by iveonlyjustbegun
Perhaps I should mention that my "piano" is a keyboard= Casio CTK2400 61- Key Portable Keyboard
Re: Just started cant read music
14:46 on Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Re: Just started cant read music
17:21 on Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Re: Just started cant read music
10:09 on Saturday, May 21, 2016
Re: Just started cant read music
20:57 on Monday, May 23, 2016
 wobblerlorri (51 points)
Learning to read sheet music is easy, but if you don't know the alphabet, you'll get nowhere fast.
Let's talk about the treble staff first -- that's the top staff, has a symbol at the front that looks like an ampersand, or & sign, and is played with the right hand. There are always 4 spaces and 5 lines. The spaces are the notes F A C E, and can be remembered as FACE. The lines are E G B D F, and can be remembered with the mnemonic Every Good Boy Does Fine.
The bass staff is the one on the bottom (both staffs together make the Grand Staff), and is played with the left hand. The symbol at the start of the staff looks like an overgrown comma , . Like the treble staff, it has 4 spaces and 5 lines, but the notes are different: the spaces are A C E G, and can be remembered as All Cows Eat Grass; the lines are G B D F A, and can be remembered as Great Big Dogs Fear Alligators.
All you need now is to know middle C, which is an interstaff note that is always 2 notes below the treble staff and 2 notes above the bass staff; the two staffs can be said to intersect at middle C. It will always have one line through it. It's 2 spaces below F on the treble staff, 2 spaces above A on the bass staff.
The note directly above middle C is D, and immediately below is B.
So, starting with middle C (2 spaces below the bottom line) on the treble staff, you have C D E F G A B C D E F.
Starting with G (the bottom line) on the bass staff, you have G A B C D E F G A B up to middle C.
And now all you have to do is get hold of sheet music and start reading!
Here's a picture of the grand staff with these notes:
Re: Just started cant read music
06:35 on Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Re: Just started cant read music
01:33 on Thursday, July 7, 2016
Re: Just started cant read music
04:53 on Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Re: Just started cant read music
01:43 on Sunday, February 26, 2017