Sophie7Leblanc (1 point)
I want to introduce a project that our team has been working on for a long time. Our idea is to encourage people to learn to play the piano, regardless of their wealth, experience, and age.
Our app is free and is suitable even for those who do not have a piano.
If you are looking for a great way to support yourself as you pursue a career as a pianist, taking piano lessons from la touche musicale (https://latouchemusicale.com/en/) is a great place to start. There are many different ways you can use the keyboard to your advantage. If you are having trouble affording piano lessons, this site has a program that allows you to try free lessons and choose a payable membership later.
There are so many exciting features that this application can provide. But there are even more benefits. One great feature of a virtual piano keyboard app is that it will give you an idea of how the songs sound. This will allow you to make adjustments on the scale before singing or playing the piece. It's not only going to help you play the song correctly, but it will also help you groove and feel more confident as you go through the song.
The other benefit to learning how to play with virtual piano keyboard keys is that it will save you a lot of money. Real pianos and offline lessons can be very expensive. You can easily force to spend hundreds of dollars. With an online lesson, you can get some skills for free and it will cost you next to nothing to use them on your computer. All of this is going to help you progress at a much faster rate.
I hope that information would be helpful!
Also, our team would be very thankful for any feedback. Wish you all the best,