Re: gavin degraw sheet music wanted

Re: gavin degraw sheet music wanted    16:04 on Tuesday, January 18, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Hey so if anyone has Gavin DeGraw sheet music to "More than Anyone" could you please e-mail it to me. That would rock!! Thanks

Gavin Sheet music    17:59 on Tuesday, January 18, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Hiya does anyone know where i can get the sheet music for chariot the stripped version where he does it slow or would it be the same as the regular sheet music?

any Gavin sheet music    21:32 on Sunday, January 23, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I would love to have any Gavin sheet music that anyone has.

gavin sheets    13:05 on Monday, January 24, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Well i did buy the gavin sheet music for i don`t want to be if anyone wants it let me know but still looking for chariot sheet music and dreams

I can give you Gavin.    14:47 on Tuesday, January 25, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Alright, here`s the deal. There are obviously a lot of capable pianists out there. I have an incredible ear so does The Blindfolded Pianist, and I was talking with him the other day and mentioned that someone needs to start a website where you submit piano music just like all the guitar tabs and guitar chords sites. I am capable at transcribing any popular song, but I`m not going to do it in vain. If anyone starts up a web site designed for submitting piano sheet music, I`ll stock it with plenty of music. I`m sick of spending 30 minutes scrolling through people begging for music. If there was ONE SITE where they could get ALL Their free sheetmusic, how awesome would that be? As I said before; start the site, and I`ll be the first one to submit gavin music. It can`t be a half-ass site though. Make it nice, like... I`m talking a READ site, not any of this geocities crap. Something like "" or something to that effect. E-mail me when the site is up and i`ll post music. Until then, if anyone wants some Super Mario Brothers music or This Love by maroon 5 (done perfectly) go to Then click video, then pick what you want and download the PDF. Get a move on that site all you webmaster geeks and let me know. My e-mail is I`ve played piano for 10 years and I have been named one of the top 10 pianists in Texas before. Not anymore, because I don`t have time, but I`m still freakin` awesome. The blunt truth, not conceited. Peace.

I transcribed    16:44 on Thursday, January 27, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Alrighty, here`s the deal. I transcribed Belief from Chariot: Stripped... and Chariot. Only the first part of chariot, the piano part until the main verse/chorus. It will at least get you going. THe only problem is, I don`t know how to give the music to you. It takes me about 30 minutes to 2 hours to transcribe a song. I have them here, I just don`t know how to convert them to PDF (They`re currently under ENC file, which is from the music writing program Encore.). Anyways, the point is I have them and y`all do not. If you want them, figure it out. Peace.

please    18:00 on Friday, January 28, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

luke if you please.....I`ve been looking for ever. I do agree that we should start a website though for piano music, like they do tabs

Re: gavin degraw sheet music wanted    21:32 on Friday, January 28, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

hey if any one has butterfly kisses by bob carlisle..please send me the piano music! thanks alot

Web Site    21:44 on Friday, January 28, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I`d be willing to take a look into making a piano sheet site. I would have to know that we would get lots of traffic to it and that a lot of people would submit to it. If there isn`t much traffic and no music people wont go to it. I have my own servers so I can offer the hosting. It would be cool if we could find a couple sponsors to help with some small costs such as domain names, etc. Does anyone have any good ideas for a catchy name? I`m looking for any new popular sheet music also. I was looking for chariots and this is how I came across this site. I actually do web hosting and design as a business so I could definitely do the site. Plus I`ve been playing the piano for 13 years now. If you could email me the sheet music to chariots that`d be great too.

Hey dude    23:57 on Friday, January 28, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I hit you both with the music. The new website... you`re good right? My mom`s a web-designer.. and could be persuaded to do it. Give me the site to anything else you`ve done. Thanks, and lets get this show on the road.

Everyone else: I`ll take requests for more music to transcribe to put on the new website. Also, remember to visit for more sheet music and some great stuff.

Gavin DeGraw Sheet Music    17:55 on Saturday, January 29, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Would love it if someone would email me the piano sheet music for Chariot

sheet music    11:29 on Sunday, January 30, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

i do know of one site that has sheet music but haven`t seen any gavin sheet music there but they do have a lot of different stuff its
and if anyone has chariot sheet music please mail me.

sheet music    14:27 on Sunday, January 30, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Would love it if you would send me Chariot and Meaning! I would be so appreciative. Thank you

sheet music    22:20 on Tuesday, February 1, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Hey, it would be awesome if some one could email me "i dont wanna be", "chariot" and " follow through" thanks.

web page    23:05 on Friday, February 4, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

hey whens the web page comin up?


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