Improvize on a other piece
14:39 on Monday, April 12, 2004
When I trei to improvize about a piece I have heared, it is in fact the same peace only with one or two swirl about some notes. That is no improvicing.
So how can Iplay more freely? What is important to know? How can I learn it?
(Excuse my English. It isn`t my first language)
Re: Improvize on a other piece
19:40 on Tuesday, April 13, 2004
(music man)
you have to study different scale patterns in detail, understand basic chords patterns and hear them.
these scale patterns are other then major and minor we use
Re: Improvize on a other piece
11:30 on Thursday, April 15, 2004
But does it help to know the Dorain Alydicans Frygisch Neopolitisch and so on to improvize on a sheet.
Re: Improvize on a other piece
15:10 on Friday, April 16, 2004
(music man)
it helps to know every mode. That way you can freely add in every scenario