No problem
19:52 on Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Re: Outkast ROSES piano notes
12:09 on Monday, May 2, 2005
(Thomas Thompson)
Can you give me the notes for out kast roses for the panio
Re: Outkast ROSES piano notes
12:45 on Thursday, July 14, 2005
I have a lot of piano books to trade. If anyone is interested in trading books please email me. André
I KNOW WHERE IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!
09:55 on Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Um...not really
14:28 on Tuesday, July 19, 2005
That version`s not right. It`s close, but not right.
new version of outkast roses intro
16:19 on Sunday, July 31, 2005
new version
16:27 on Sunday, July 31, 2005
In fact, I think after transposing, that version`s ending is correct. (My transcribed ending was not.) You may want to take note of this if you are performing the song. The song is in E minor.
01:49 on Monday, August 15, 2005
What style of music is that? I`ve heard songs similar to the intro to Roses but I have no idea what genre it`s in.
Outcast-Roses Piano
08:40 on Monday, September 5, 2005
Hey Everybody. I´m devastated bcause I can´t find the right tones for the song : Outcast-Roses.
I can´t read notes, but as I see I´m not the only one who can´t.
Doesn´t anybody got all the notes ang finger plays on a paper or can write it down that they can just email to me :
Wow I`m impressed
21:45 on Sunday, November 13, 2005
Re: How I transcribed my version...
19:37 on Friday, December 2, 2005
(Andrew Carter)
"And I was wondering how did Piano man figured out the notes. If anyone else still visit this site, please leave a post and I`ll be back to check."
When I did my transcription back on page 2 ( I listened to it over and over again in Windows Media Player where you can slow it down to half the tempo but keep the same pitch. Luckily the computer is only a few metres away from the piano so I could just go back and forth between the two taking a guess at it and changing it until it sounded right, bar by bar. I just tried to isolate individual notes that I wasn`t sure about in my mind. I know literally almost no theory so there was most likely a more logical and easier way to guess what the chords were...but I just listened hard.
oh i see
21:29 on Tuesday, December 27, 2005
((Ketchup) Alan)
hey Andrew, so you were the first source then Pianoman used yours and made another transcribe of it?