Could anyone recommend some pieces to play for my GCSE exams?
I am about to do my grade 2 exam but by the time I come to do my exam I will have grade 3. So nothing too difficult but still challengeing. They can be classical, modern, jazz, ect.Anything.
Re: GCSE Music 07:43 on Saturday, September 11, 2004
Posted by Archived posts
As tempted as I am to say Rachminov`s 3rd Concerto (although I have never heard it before), I`ll suggest something like Fur Elise (the complete version, that is). There`s also quite a number of pieces on this site u can choose from. If your school`s piano is good and if you`re up to it you could try Rimsky`s Flight of the Bumblebee. Good luck! ^_^