Sheet music for `the rhythm of life`

Sheet music for `the rhythm of life`    10:11 on Friday, October 22, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

HAs anyone got a copy of this that they could possibly scan for me? I would really appreciate it if you do!


Re: Sheet music for `the rhythm of life`    10:03 on Sunday, October 24, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

When I started down the street last sunday
feeling mightly low and kinda mean
suddenly a voice said go forth neighbour

nicked the score from my school a year ago

Re: Sheet music for `the rhythm of life`    17:24 on Sunday, October 24, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts


Would you possibly be able to email me a copy of it? I`m a mooosic teacher and want to do it with my staff choir!

Re: Sheet music for `the rhythm of life`    17:01 on Monday, October 25, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I can`t see the replies?


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