23:36 on Saturday, October 4, 2003
oh yea and i just wanna add that i dont really care about exams, well i do, get heaps nervous and sh*t, but its grades and stuff help you heaps. you know how good your doing.
Ach, well...
06:28 on Sunday, October 5, 2003
It depends on your teacher. Some are very generous when t comes to grading people and some are not...
For example, I had a music teacher about 3-4 years ago (I`m 15 now) who kept telling me that I`m in 5th grade (overall there are 7 grades in our system... That`s just a bit of detail since I know that the Canadian system of grades is different, so I figured it might be the same for other countries), which was supposed to mean that I`m pretty good.
Well, I wasn`t.
When I moved I had to get a new teacher who tortured me until I made it to 7th grade and didn`t let me sleep, drink or eat before I finished the school...HHhhhhhweeeeeEEEEEEee.
And yes, exams are nerve-busters... Heh, I nearly tripped on the steps leading to the piano (it was a little stage), and one of the judges actually remarked (after I`d finished) that I should stop shaking since I`d fall down any minute...
Also, I have no idea what Trinity grades are Same thing goes for the Ameb thing...
I live in Russia...
And shwanie... Yes, I know, "f*ck" is rather strong, but I was just feeling a little... Expressive.
Re: Grades
21:47 on Sunday, October 5, 2003
I did exams on the clarinet up to Grade 8 AMEB,(I did Grade 6, 7 and 8) before I realised that I was getting so nervous about them that I was playing badly, and feeling so demoralised about my results that it was damaging my playing quite badly. Since taking a break my playing has gone back to the level it should be at.
For those who don`t know, AMEN stands for the Australian Music Examinations Board (or Arrogant Musician-Hating Evil Bastards). Trinity is the Trinity College of London.
i am bad
01:24 on Monday, October 6, 2003
see, rachel is a perfect example of what i wrote earlier, teachers make sum ppl actually play worse.
22:47 on Monday, October 6, 2003
Re: Youngest Piano Player here?
22:52 on Monday, October 6, 2003
Re: stuff
21:26 on Tuesday, October 7, 2003
It was a combination of exam stress and a teacher who was quite good, but who yelled at me every time I made a mistake. Last year I had a brilliant, wonderful, fantastic teacher who could criticise my playing for 45 minutes and have me walk out of the room smiling.
22:26 on Tuesday, October 7, 2003
how come everyone talks about it like its school? i have private lessons, my teacher doesnt change. My teacher yells at me everytime a do a mistake too but how do you smile when they are shouting at you?
Re: Youngest Piano Player here?
15:42 on Wednesday, October 8, 2003
my name is lani i`m 9 years old and have been playing for 1 and a half years.
16:22 on Wednesday, October 8, 2003
Yah, I also took private lessons...
But my teacher was certainly one-of-a-kind.
Every time I made a mistake she`d (at first) try to be patient and explain, but after I couldn`t master something from the second time she`d grab my hand and ram it unto the keyboards repeatedly...
I had to take my exams in a regular school, though.
22:40 on Wednesday, October 8, 2003
well mine would just talk in a pained voice, making me feel ashamed then i practice harder.
Teacher`s view
08:57 on Thursday, October 9, 2003
Well, I`m a Piano Teacher myself...Well, it`s not that I`m not empathetic with u guys, but...dun blame the teacher when u don`t work hard, and therefore dun do well, and then therefore,pi## the teach` off. It`s not that we like to raise our voice...but think of it...imagine having 10 or more ungrateful, lazy teens to play the same sonatas, and each time, expect them to all make the same mistake, and then having to remind and repeat one after another...Well, wat do u think? U feel that the teacher`s fiery temper is unjustified becaz it`s u haven`t been through what we have in a day...imagine having to say the same excat thing to ten different people everyday...hmmmm...But of course...the best teacher is always one that can criticise, yet make the student accept them happily and wholeheartedly...and when this happens, the student will always look foward to the next lesson...right? But funny though, speaking from a teach` view pt. Not All Students Motivates U to Teach Efficiently...u know...esp. the really (sigh) type...
Re: teacher
20:51 on Thursday, October 9, 2003
The one who could have me walk out of the room smiling didn`t yell- he just calmly explained what I was doing wrong and how to fix it.
Re: Youngest Piano Player here?
21:31 on Thursday, October 9, 2003
i am bad
00:26 on Friday, October 10, 2003
what dw said is right, but sumtimes we r practicinm, but we just cant get it, ppl dont like to be yelled at, that usually makes things worse. i kno it must be hard goin through a lot of students that dont practice, but being calm and having patience might be better and make them want to practice more.