what make of cycmbals and how much should i pay for them?
06:20 on Tuesday, April 22, 2003
what make of cycmbals and how much should i pay for them?
Re: what make of cycmbals and how much should i pay for them?
20:11 on Wednesday, April 30, 2003
It depends, if you want the best, go with Zildjian, but if your on a budget go with Sabian or Paiste, ans STAY AWAY FROM MENIL! What cymbals to buy also depends on what kind of music you play. I have Sabian B8`s because they are really affordable and they are good for Jazz, Rock, Punk, Latin, and all other kinds of set styles I play! You should first set yourself on a budget, then figure out what kind of music you want to play. Then go from there, go to music stores and online to figure out what cymbals you should buy! Hope this was helpful!
Tenors Rule The World!
Re: what make of cycmbals and how much should i pay for them?
21:36 on Saturday, May 3, 2003
Re: what make of cycmbals and how much should i pay for them?
18:47 on Sunday, May 4, 2003
on http://www.musiciansfriend.com
you can get a set of zildjian zbt 14"hi-hats,20" ride,16"crash,and a 16" china and a cymbal bag for about $200
thats a good deal
Re: what make of cycmbals and how much should i pay for them?
20:06 on Tuesday, May 6, 2003
zildigan about 50 bucks
Re: what make of cycmbals and how much should i pay for them?
04:20 on Saturday, May 17, 2003
Hey man if your serious go with zildjian cymbals. And the type depends on what kind of sound. But if you want the absolute best out there then go with i what i play with Zildjian Rock Customs they are exspenseive but the won`t break sound amazing loud.
Re: what make of cycmbals and how much should i pay for them?
18:02 on Wednesday, May 28, 2003
I definitely would go with zildjian... they have the best variety of choices... I myself have:
13" A Custom Mastersound Hihats
16" A Custom Crash
22" Avedis Zildjian Ping Ride
20" Z Custom Ride
18" Z Custom Medium Crash
18" China Trash
and I can play just about any style from jazz to hard rock, but they`re pretty expensive
Re: what make of cycmbals and how much should i pay for them?
16:03 on Sunday, August 24, 2003
I think you should go with Sabian AA cymbals. They features professionnal quality and they are not so much expensive. They are around 150 for hi-hats, 100 for a crash, 50 for a splash, 150 for a ride and 200 for a chinese.
Re: what make of cycmbals and how much should i pay for them?
22:00 on Monday, August 25, 2003
If you are a beginner ( which i think you are only because you need to ask this question) then you may want to go for some low end inexpensive cymbals to start with. You may not even still be playing drums a year from now, so buying Zildjians will maybe be not a great idea, becasue you may end up leaving them sit in a closet.
Most cymbal companies have starter packages, which you can check out at most of your local music stores...you probably have a guitar center somewhere near you. Go there. Don`t be talked into spending more money if you are not 100% sure you will get a return on the investment( via use and resale value of the cymbals)
I also recommend the Sabian AA series. They are very good quality for the price.
All you need to get started is:
1 set of 13" or 14" hi-hats ( probably 14")
1 16" crash cymbal
1-18" or 20" ride cymbal.
You can always add or upgrade later. These are the cymbals you will use the first year or so. Most music stores will buy them back later if you decide to upgrade.
Re: what make of cycmbals and how much should i pay for them?
20:41 on Monday, May 29, 2006