Drummers in bands (and school bands)
00:05 on Sunday, May 19, 2002
Hey eveyone, I was just wantin to talk to some people that play drums in a band, e-mail me if u want to chat.. <>
Re: Drummers in bands (and school bands)
03:57 on Friday, May 31, 2002
Hey Im` 15/female/Australia and I`ve been playing drums for 6 years. I`m in my school`s band but I`m not in a band band (but I want to). So yeah email me if u get the chance.
Re: Drummers in bands (and school bands)
09:37 on Sunday, June 16, 2002
Hi Im Janae and Im a Percussionist in my school band. Ive been playing for about 6 years now and I play Tenors for marching band and Mallets for concert band. Im 16 years old/female and Im from Hawaii. I go to Kahuku High School, where I march with the Kahuku High School Red Raider Marching Band *PRIDE OF THE NORTH SHORE!!*. Ummm .... if anyone has MSN messenger add me if u want: sparx_h2k@hotmail.com. Ok, bye!!
Re: Drummers in bands (and school bands)
00:09 on Friday, June 28, 2002
(Jayce Clemons)
Hey! My name is Jayce. I`m 16 years old and I`ve been playing drums since I was 4. I got my first drum set when I was 4 and I`ve been playing since. I`m in my school band and in a friend band, called Georgia Overdrive. My favorite part of the year is marching season. I march in the Cookeville Marching Cavalier Drumline. I`m a sophmore center snare surrounded by Juniors and Seniors, which is a priviledge of being in that position around other great drummers. I would like to hear from other drummers out there. My email is im_da_one1013@hotmail.com .
Re: Drummers in bands (and school bands)
01:30 on Friday, August 23, 2002
i am in a band....e-mail back if ya wanna chat
Re: Drummers in bands (and school bands)
16:08 on Friday, September 6, 2002
hey! i drum in tons of bands! i play in the senior concert band, jazz band, junior concert band and the burlington teen tour band.
Re: Drummers in bands (and school bands)
02:37 on Saturday, September 21, 2002
(Robin Y.)
Ok first of all...HEY JAYCE!! Anywho...I`m in the Oak Ridge High School drumline (2nd bass) and I started playing drums whenever I figured out how to hold drumsticks, I guess I was around 1 1/2 or 2 years old. My dad`s a band director/drummer who has a masters in percussion, so he got me hooked VERY early!! And uh...the only band I`m in marches half of the year so...yeah.
Re: Drummers in bands (and school bands)
15:44 on Sunday, September 22, 2002
(Jayce Clemons)
Hey Robin!!!!
Re: Drummers in bands (and school bands)
22:58 on Monday, October 21, 2002
hey i play drums in a band e-mail me back if u want to chat
Re: Drummers in bands (and school bands)
17:16 on Saturday, November 9, 2002
(austin royal)
Hey Man, I`m an ok drummer. i`m not in any bands. I just listen to music and try to play what i hear. I was wondering if you could give me some tips on how to get better.
Re: Drummers in bands (and school bands)
17:19 on Saturday, November 9, 2002
(A royal)
wut up, Im not in any bands or anything. I just listen to music and try to play what i hear. I also just try to make up new beats. Just practice everyday
Re: Drummers in bands (and school bands)
18:00 on Wednesday, November 20, 2002
Hey i played in a drumline for 8 and a half yrs, both marching and concert, played pit my first two yrs in a marching, and bass my 3rd and then played quints my senior yr in HS, IM ME on AOL - Jddrums527 and we can chat more  peace
Re: Drummers in bands (and school bands)
23:23 on Sunday, December 29, 2002
Yo Im not as old as some of the drummers that replied but people tell me I`m a pretty good Drummer. This is just not on snare drumming but pretty much all around. I`ve been a drummer for only 3 years now but doesn`t mean I`m not good.
Re: Drummers in bands (and school bands)
18:55 on Tuesday, December 31, 2002
I play in the pitbut want to learn how to play the drums better.Do you know where to get some free sheetmusic at?
Re: Drummers in bands (and school bands)
19:05 on Tuesday, December 31, 2002
I was thinking about trying out for the drumline at my school and Im only a freshmen do you think I should try out next year or wait? Im also going to try out for section leader but Im not very good at the drums do you know where I can get some help and where do I start?
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