Did I get the right tenor mallets?

Did I get the right tenor mallets?    23:14 on Thursday, May 26, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I recently got moved to tenors in the drumline and I purchased some Innovative Percussion FT-1A tenor mallets. I was told after I bought them to make sure they were indoor mallets, and I can`t find anything that says they are, or that they aren`t for that matter. Does anybody know if there are different specs for indoor mallets that I need to find, or if these FT-1A`a will work.

Re: Did I get the right tenor mallets?    22:07 on Monday, May 30, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Since the FT-1A`s are metal, I`d say they`re probably louder than the wooden FT-1`s. If anything, I`d probably go with the AT-1 (they`re kinda funny looking). The website says they`re for indoor and outdoor use and that the FT-1 and FT-1A`s are for outdoor use. I can`t imagine why your director wouldn`t give you a specific model to use. One of the main purposes of drumlines is to be identical and have the same sound (which drumsticks play a huge part in).


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