marching band snare tricks and beats
20:41 on Tuesday, April 29, 2003
hey everyone, im gonna be joining a marching band next year (ive been playing drumset and snare in a jazz band and concert band for 4 years).
and i was wonderin if anyone can teach me some cool snare stuff for marching band, tricks, flips, beats. anything cool, heh. i just saw drumline, and yeh some thigns they do in there are really cool, its just its too fast so i cant make most of it out. anyone got any tips?
Re: marching band snare tricks and beats
20:45 on Tuesday, April 29, 2003
Use the slow-mo on your clicker. Also,in the part where the main character guy is learning the solo,it`s in slow-mo.yabbadabbadoo
Re: marching band snare tricks and beats
21:00 on Tuesday, April 29, 2003
thanks, but also, away from the movie, does anyone know any cool other tricks and beats they can teach me, or do u know a webpage for marching snare drummers?
Re: marching band snare tricks and beats
21:30 on Wednesday, April 30, 2003
Re: marching band snare tricks and beats
22:01 on Wednesday, April 30, 2003
heh yea, kool, im 14 too, and i tried that, i can play the solo part where devon shows the leader up at that first game they play at, u know where he freezes up, then comes out and goes right on front, i can play that part. but i cant get the backsticking. heh. especialy at the end of that role.
btw, u got AIM or sumthin?
itd be coo to have another drummer to talk bout drummin with, all my friends play like guitar, n cr@p, hah.
Re: marching band snare tricks and beats
19:59 on Friday, May 2, 2003
(Brandon-aka- B-$)
Hey Charlie, what up PIMPIN`!Just practice rolling w/ the back of your sticks and switching back and forth w/ the normal rolling.Youll get it in no time
Re: marching band snare tricks and beats
17:21 on Saturday, May 3, 2003
i try so much, i practice all day, but is there like a trick to backsticking it so fast that u can roll at the same time? i cant get it.
and is it oldschool backsticking or 3 hit backsticking?
Re: marching band snare tricks and beats
19:42 on Saturday, May 3, 2003
Re: marching band snare tricks and beats
22:15 on Saturday, May 3, 2003
(Brandon-aka- B-$)
do what forrest did.its pretty tight,i checked it out
Re: marching band snare tricks and beats
17:53 on Sunday, May 4, 2003
i got aim its pearldrumguy1229 if you want to talk bout drums or something
Re: marching band snare tricks and beats
20:10 on Saturday, May 17, 2003
hey, i also saw drumline. and all i can say, and i know this from experience, ya just gotta let yourself go. dont be afraid of what people think or say. just get out and do it. im 16, only been drumming for about 4 years, mostly on set, and i was scared to do anything in front of guys. but you just have to let yourself go. you and others just might be really impressed. if anyone wants to talk, my AIM is ShugahAngelJ and yahoo is jaysweeti1905. have fun and good luck!
Re: marching band snare tricks and beats
01:25 on Wednesday, May 21, 2003
Re: marching band snare tricks and beats
00:59 on Monday, May 26, 2003
I played drums and percussion in high school - I never joined a band until the 8th grade...before that I took lessons for 3 years. Here is what helped me:
1) Learn ALL the rudiments. You can`t be successful without them.
2) Learn some pieces like Conn. Yankee, Downfall of Paris, Grandfathers Clock, and other snare solo pieces. If you can master those you can play on a line.
3)We just rented that movie. I could not pick up the snare parts watching it - too much going on visually and a lot of it was not really very good line performances. A lot of the snare work was sloppy and not together. I picked up a lot more of it when my son was watching in car today and I was driving and could not watch only could listen - a lot of it was really easy stuff. Try listening not watching.
Learn the pieces and basic sticking first - then learn the more advanced sticking.
We used 6 chrome Premiere marching snares in high school (snares on top and bottom - gut snares not metal) and we could have blown away those snare lines on the movie.....only thing better than us in California in 70`s was Santa Clara Vanguard, Kingsmen in early years, and Valley Vanguard. What was that other corp up north? LOL Best show I ever saw was 1973-1974-1975 show of SC Vanguard Fiddler on the Roof. The finale with their drumline and the Russian dancing was the best ever. Nothing on that movie compared.
If I can do it so can you !!!
Re: marching band snare tricks and beats
03:21 on Saturday, May 31, 2003
hope u get it down those fast beats r hard i tried them to.
Re: marching band snare tricks and beats
12:37 on Saturday, May 31, 2003
drumline beats seem to be very easy for everyone except me that has watched it like 100000000000000000 times.