Hello I am a Flute and i am thinking of starting precussion
19:12 on Sunday, August 25, 2002
yes me and my friends are thinking about starting a band.
We have a lead singer, a bass guitar, and acoustic guitar.
so they needed a drummer, moi.
Is it hard?
any tips?
Re: Hello I am a Flute and i am thinking of starting precussion
22:07 on Saturday, September 7, 2002
well ms.flute player i have just one question (yes im a drummer), got any band camp stories?
Re: Hello I am a Flute and i am thinking of starting precussion
10:39 on Sunday, September 8, 2002
Aww. That was mean! Yes I am beinga little sarcastic. But as a flute player I get alot of "and then there was this one time... at band camp." So it gets annoying. Please stop. Thanks!
Re: Hello I am a Flute and i am thinking of starting precussion
01:12 on Wednesday, September 25, 2002
I`m just currently switching over from flute to percussion...erm...it`s a bit of a challenge - but fun. I think it`s a good thing to at least give it a try, & even if you don`t like it, you`ll have learned a little, & percussion is definitely a lot different from flute. It`ll be hard at first, but stick w/ it.
Good luck.
Re: Hello I am a Flute and i am thinking of starting precussion
17:39 on Friday, October 25, 2002
Yeah i get those too.
Every time i mention that i play flute someone has to say "this one time... at band camp..." Or "ever been to band camp?"
Yes it gets very old very fast
Joy and Rapture
Re: Hello I am a Flute and i am thinking of starting precussion
14:19 on Sunday, November 17, 2002
Well, as a flute, I fooled around with percussion during one marching band season, and its not all that hard. It took me about a two weeks to learn the basics, and from there on in it wasnt all that hard.
I would also like to state that in my schools band culture, its considered a mark of rank and experience if you can start a purely legitimate, clean story with "one time at band camp" and not crack up.
Re: Hello I am a Flute and i am thinking of starting precussion
22:51 on Saturday, December 21, 2002
Well, If your are a flute, then why whould you want to make such a big move from that? Well anyway, I think you should, but I just cant figure out exsactly why I think that.
Well, It all depends on how you play. I it good bad. It also depends on what kind of band you are puting together.
If you want to talk more about this issue then email me @
Re: Hello I am a Flute and i am thinking of starting precussion
17:44 on Monday, January 20, 2003
Do it it`s hard at first but then you start to get it... I know i went from clarinet to drumline and it is hard... I also play flute and It`s the easiest thing to play on this earth so you will have a little trouble
Re: Hello I am a Flute and i am thinking of starting precussion
17:23 on Wednesday, February 5, 2003
well at 1st it`s hard to make such a drastic change but it gets easier it ewas natural for me cause i am a strait a student and sort of a prep but people say that to me to .........or well they used to before i took up drums now they say i stick a drum stick up my ..... i really admire your courage for doin this just remember it takes alot of hard work to be a god player ............buti think you can do it if you set your mind to it!!!$$$$$****** oh ... & good luck
write back
Re: Hello I am a Flute and i am thinking of starting precussion
16:56 on Monday, February 10, 2003
hey look i ain`t gone lie to you `bout this thing w/ you and drums so i will get rite to the point drums are hard and you beinng a flute player n all well i just dont think it will mix very well but it is your choice go ahead and make a fool out of your self it wont hurt me not one bit flute is one of the most easiest things to play and well franklly drums aint that easy so if you are looking to get a break by starting drums then you`ve got a nother think coming about that
oh and p.s. dont even think about becoming a drum player with out practice and hard work that gives drum players all around the world a bad name so get away from this cause you going to fall don`t make me say it again drums ain`t yo cup of tee or should i say cup of whip $$$ hahahaha
Re: i am
23:19 on Wednesday, February 12, 2003
I am also a flute player. I started right before 7th grade and just started taking lessons in december. I`m a junior in high school now. Last March I switched to percussion so I wouldn`t have to march. 8 hour paractices aren`t very fun. Here`s what they told me. "Color Guard practices about 10 hours a day. Band Practices 4. If you`re going to be in percussion, you`re going to practice more than the band and less than the color guard. I find music really easy to me. I can play over 6 instruments *not ncluding percussion* and I`m self taught. I picked up pretty fast, but it`s really different. I`m going to be in the pit *non marching percussion* again this year. It will help greatly in your flute playing also in that if you have a wonderful percussion instructor like I do you will learn to count so much better than most of the people in the flute section. I can look at a rhythm and know exactly what it sounds like without havign to touch anything.
Re: Hello I am a Flute and i am thinking of starting precussion
19:50 on Wednesday, March 5, 2003
NO! stay with the FLUTE they rock be proud and say it LOUD!!!!!!
Re: Hello I am a Flute and i am thinking of starting precussion
03:53 on Saturday, April 19, 2003
Hi there! In my school, the Band Major is also a flute player and guess what he does? Learn ALL the instruments in the band! Weird huh? Anyway, back to my point,What I wanted to say is that if you really have the heart to learn the drums, not because your friends ask you to, go ahead. Percussion is not as easy as you think and not as difficult as well. As for learning the drum set, its only the footwork that`s hard. Also keep in mind when you`re learning that you have to get the beat right.
Re: Hello I am a Flute and i am thinking of starting precussion
19:49 on Thursday, May 8, 2003
the flute is NOT the easiest thing to play on earth..maybe you just suck or sumthing.
the fingering part can be easy but it takes a lot of work w/ embouchure n other stuff w/ mouth.
it seems kind of strange to switch from flute to percussion, they`re lyk opposites, but if u really wanna i say go for it~! 
Re: Hello I am a Flute and i am thinking of starting precussion
01:25 on Sunday, May 18, 2003
go ahead! you should learn. everyone needs more percussion.. sorry if that was me that said no stay with the flute.. i cant really remember but if it was, im sorry. in my school EVERYONE wants to be a perc. EVERYONE!!!!!!! well.. i actually came from clarinet.. i am exceptionally good. though my friends tell me i am real good. i am also first chair percussion
i switched over to perc. over the summer. it was kinda difficult at first.. you gotta get the feel of the sticks. but after that. its just damn fun!!