Are drums a cool instrument?
10:37 on Sunday, September 8, 2002
Hey. I need to know about the drums. Are they a cool instrument. I am curently playing the flute. But I would LOVE to learn how to be a drummer. Please e-mail me or reply here. Thanks!
Re: Drums?
01:13 on Wednesday, September 25, 2002
Okay if you read my other post you`d see that I`m a flute player switching over to percussion.
It`s worth the try at least. I`d say try it. It is a challenge, but fun =)
Re: Drums?
04:59 on Wednesday, December 4, 2002
yeah, it`s true that drums are cool instruments just like flute especially for you who was interested. it was nice to hear that you LOVE to learn drum playing. God Bless You!!! have fun while learning
Re: Drums?
21:05 on Friday, January 17, 2003
(darrin XXXXXXXXX)
hi, you should have no trouble at all switching to percussion. it`s very easy because mallet percussion has the same notes since they are concert pitched, and snare auxillary and bass should be no problem with practice
Re: Drums?
20:49 on Wednesday, January 22, 2003
(quan harris)
were can i find some tenor music, bass music,snare sheet music ,.......i want free sheet musivc
Re: Are drums a cool instrument?
16:38 on Sunday, April 13, 2003
Re: Are drums a cool instrument?
08:44 on Friday, April 18, 2003
I go to a high school wich has special interest music programs. A lot of my friends play drums and love it and NEVER thought about quiting
Re: Are drums a cool instrument?
07:50 on Monday, April 28, 2003
Re: Are drums a cool instrument?
19:48 on Thursday, May 8, 2003
Re: Are drums a cool instrument?
04:17 on Saturday, May 17, 2003
Hey if you want to have fun play the drums you can whale away. If you take it serious it is still fun my personal opinion is that the drums are the best instrument out there
Re: Are drums a cool instrument?
19:31 on Saturday, May 17, 2003
I love drums. I used to play the trombone, then decided that drumming would be cooler. If you are a female, you need to be willing to deal with criticism from guys (some wont give you any, some will) and you need to pay attention. You are an asset to music. Have fun! Thats pretty cool you wanna try this instead of flute! way to go!
Re: Are drums a cool instrument?
21:18 on Tuesday, May 20, 2003