tenors or snare?
19:45 on Tuesday, December 2, 2003
yes well are marching tenors hard to pick up if you are pretty good with snare? I`m thinking of switching (I marched snare this year) to tenors so that I can be line leader and also the talent tenor-wise in everyone else is pretty low.....anyone?anyone?
Re: tenors or snare?
13:11 on Wednesday, December 3, 2003
(rhjrtrhj rthjrdth)
i likey likey play the tenors
Re: tenors or snare?
23:36 on Saturday, December 6, 2003
Well, I played quints (tenors..w/e) and im swtching to snare next year...i was good for tenor so i think ill do fine with snare....i think snare is easier when it comes to hand eye cordination....but...when it comes to rudiments snare is harder than tenors in the category.
Re: tenors or snare?
23:21 on Monday, June 13, 2005
tenors are much more physically demanding, but snares are generally harder to play. i guess it depends on how bad your line is, but of course you could still improved the line just by being helpful.
Re: tenors or snare?
15:40 on Tuesday, July 5, 2005
The thing is for tenors there is a lot more room for mistake considering snare has a much fast response. i`m trying out for captain this year and i`m gonna play both but i play snare also. when you can do a good triple stroke roll, then you should`ve developed pretty good coordination by then
Re: tenors or snare?
01:07 on Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Ive marched both and the thing is that they are both about equal as far as playing, most parts, showmusic wise, are the same. Tenors is ofcourse more demanding physicly. as someone said earlier yes, snares do have awesome respose, where the tenors arent as bad as a concert drum, but they dont come close to the response of a kevlar or a mylar head. it all comes down to whether you know your sweeps or not, which are to tenors the same as diddles are to snare