Hey, anyone here in Pit?
Hey, anyone here in Pit?
14:31 on Sunday, November 17, 2002
For those who don`t know, pit is drumlines lazy,nonmarching cousin. Anyone here been in this eclectic section? (I`m a 2 year veteran myself)
Re: Hey, anyone here in Pit?
21:30 on Monday, November 25, 2002
Wow, I just saw this, and it was posted a little while ago...oh well. Yeah, I`m in pit. Woohoo!
Re: Hey, anyone here in Pit?
23:36 on Friday, January 10, 2003
Re: Hey, anyone here in Pit?
17:05 on Monday, February 10, 2003
hey what is you deal with the drum line the drum line is very cool thank you very much im in one please the pit sucks become a drum magor or something but make your self usefull lol
Re: Hey, anyone here in Pit?
17:06 on Monday, February 10, 2003
hey what is you deal with the drum line the drum line is very cool thank you very much im in one ! please the pit sucks become a drum magor or something but make your self usefull lol
Re: Hey, anyone here in Pit?
14:36 on Friday, February 14, 2003
I`m in pit and we work as hard if not harder than the rest of the band so lay off!
Re: Hey, anyone here in Pit?
13:05 on Friday, February 21, 2003
what the? who said I was insulting drumline? all I asked was if anyone on this forum was in Pit, I don`t have any problems with drumline.
Re: Hey, anyone here in Pit?
10:47 on Thursday, April 24, 2003
the pit are just a bunch of losers that can`t play as good as the drumline
Re: Hey, anyone here in Pit?
20:38 on Sunday, April 27, 2003
"I`m in pit and we work as hard if not harder than the rest of the band so lay off!"
...ok all i have to say is HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! thats gotta be a joke, dont even try to tell me that, cause i know ist not true, back before my 9th grade year, when i didnt think marching would be fun but my dad made me do it anyway, i had missed tryouts and was in pit, man did i feel worthless, and you know why? its cause i was, year after i showed my true skills and made snare, but i will never forget that the pit is practically worthless, they dont do work, they dont work nearly as hard as even, oh say the flutes, and no where even close to the rest of the drum line, you remind me of someone who was in our pit who said she liked being in pit and thats why she was in it, aside from the fact that she had no rhythm and couldnt play an eight note to save her life..
Re: Hey, anyone here in Pit?
22:49 on Wednesday, April 30, 2003
Hey Im not against Pit or anything but everyone needs to hear this, The Tenors, Basses, Snares, and Pit. You know that the drumline is the WHOLE percussion section. You see, the Tenors, Basses, and Snares are all part of what is called the Battery, which is the marching section of the drumline. Pit is non-marching section of the drumline. Oh and just for the record EVERYONE in the drumline works equally hard!
Tenors Rule The World!
Re: Hey, anyone here in Pit?
21:01 on Saturday, May 3, 2003
Re: Hey, anyone here in Pit?
17:04 on Monday, May 5, 2003
Re: Hey, anyone here in Pit?
00:19 on Tuesday, May 13, 2003
for all you that need to know, Pitt and Battery both make the drumline, neither one sucks, cause while the drumline may have to work at the drill, pitt has to make sense of all the music, and make it exactly that. the battery makes the rhythym, and the pitt makes the music. Im a pitt player myself, and I could be in Battery if I so wished, but I chose to be in the Pitt, because it is much more exciting. You get tones rather than just a thump or a crack from a rim shot. Not putting the Battery down, cause they are kewl too, and they play well, but the pitt makes the battery sound good.
Re: Hey, anyone here in Pit?
18:13 on Tuesday, May 13, 2003
In my school we all do marching band and then when marching band season is over sometime in the spring when the school musical is going on thats when all the select few best players in the school get picked to be in Pit. Its an honor to be in it in my school ( the orcestra also joins us) and I might add, it seems very hard and they have to practice A LOT. I`m not in it yet because its usually the seniors that are in it. But lay off, Pits just a difficult.
Re: Hey, anyone here in Pit?
18:15 on Tuesday, May 13, 2003
Ahh forget my post I thought u were talking about somthing else...