looking to buy......

looking to buy......    11:38 on Monday, August 23, 2004          
(Phil Meadows)
Posted by Archived posts

hi, i am looking to buy a drum kit and have seen a brand new session pro kit at about $220

is that make good and is it worth that money?

please help

Re: looking to buy......    14:14 on Monday, August 23, 2004          
(Daniel Osgood)
Posted by Archived posts

Stick to the name brands, youll be thankful in the long run. ALso dont get a set with cymbals included, because theyll most likely be horrible. Just get a cymbal pack.

Re: looking to buy......    16:54 on Monday, August 23, 2004          
(Phil Meadows)
Posted by Archived posts

thanks for your help!

What makes would you stcik to and what cymbals would you buy?

Also how much would it cost?

Re: looking to buy......    15:25 on Thursday, September 23, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

thats ok but u can buy a cb kit very good condition of me u just need to email me and we will talk about this matter! :> :> happy drumming from nick. p.s email me.......


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