Great Brand...Anyone ever heard of it before??
20:43 on Saturday, June 25, 2005
(Mike S.)
Have any of you ever heard of the brand Jeane Baptiste? Some people think it`s just some of the Band Now and other crap sold on E-bay. Actually I got a pro model tenor from Sam Ashe (if anyone lives in the Indianapolis IN they would know where that is.) Anyways I thought I would share that with anyone looking into buying a new sax and is on a tight budget.Ohyeah my pro sax only cost like $900 so it`s a pretty good choice for a pro sax (even if no one`s heard of the brand).So far I haven`t had to take it in for repairs. If anyone else has an instrument of this brand,I`d like to get some feedback as to whether it`s a good brand or not! Sorry this is so long!
Re: Great Brand...Anyone ever heard of it before??
23:59 on Saturday, June 25, 2005
no I havn`t, do they have a website or anything?
Re: Great Brand...Anyone ever heard of it before??
06:26 on Sunday, June 26, 2005
Read my reply to Anyone ever heard of Jean Baptiste.
Re: Great Brand...Anyone ever heard of it before??
06:33 on Sunday, June 26, 2005
I recently purchased a jean baptiste 900TS tenor sax. It is make by Amati in Czechoslavakia, a company that has been making lesser expensive but quality instruments since 1932. They make the name strictly for Sam Ash. My sax teacher is a top professional player and he said it was an excellent horn for the money. Sam Ash has been around for some 80 years and will back it 100%. I have even spoken to Paul Ash about that (who by the way will answer all your phone calls). I hope this helps. There, I made it easy for you.
Re: Great Brand...Anyone ever heard of it before??
17:43 on Sunday, June 26, 2005
(Mike S.)
Wildband, go to