Selmer MarkVI vs. Borgani
05:13 on Sunday, June 26, 2005
IYHO, what do you think is better, a Borgani sax, or a Selmer Mark VI?
Check out my forum:, I made some changes, and it looks great. Come take a look, you won`t regret it!
Re: Selmer MarkVI vs. Borgani
18:08 on Sunday, June 26, 2005
(Mike S.)
Re: Selmer MarkVI vs. Borgani
18:08 on Sunday, June 26, 2005
(Mike S.)
Re: Selmer MarkVI vs. Borgani
18:11 on Sunday, June 26, 2005
Re: Selmer MarkVI vs. Borgani
19:48 on Sunday, June 26, 2005
It really depends. Good six or bad six?
Re: Selmer MarkVI vs. Borgani
22:18 on Sunday, June 26, 2005
Re: Selmer MarkVI vs. Borgani
22:20 on Sunday, June 26, 2005
and I can`t get to your forum, it says it doesn`t exist.
Re: Selmer MarkVI vs. Borgani
22:30 on Sunday, June 26, 2005
six = Mark VI... as VI is Roman numerals for the number 6.. Some VI`s are total pieces of crap... especially that one I saw last night on Cybersax.. Some moron made it into a lamp. A real, genuine, Mark VI alto, made into a lamp... *whimpers* But other VI`s are... brilliant... amazing... you get the drift.
Re: Selmer MarkVI vs. Borgani
22:35 on Sunday, June 26, 2005
to get to my forum don`t type in www., just type in
Re: Selmer MarkVI vs. Borgani
22:36 on Sunday, June 26, 2005
Which do you guys think is better, the early serial number Mark 6`s, or the later ones?
Re: Selmer MarkVI vs. Borgani
22:55 on Sunday, June 26, 2005
(Bleeding Gums Murphy)
I know if I were in the same room as all of you, you would pelt me with rotten tomatoes for saying this, but here goes...
I don`t think sixes are anything special, to tell you the truth. The only good ones were the earliest ones, and even those have a sort of sleepy character about them. It`s just not my sound at all, and the small bore is a bad design IMO. Since a Borgani and a vintage Selmer cost about the same thing (both absurd), I would definitely go with the borgani, hands down. I`ve heard some really great things about the borganis.
Re: Selmer MarkVI vs. Borgani
12:41 on Monday, June 27, 2005
sry about the six.. duh.. *smacks head*
lol murphy, it`s alright. I`d go with a markVi cause I own an amazing one. never touched a better sax in my life. it`s aon of the later models, but the earliers models were great. before 12000 I think.
Re: Selmer MarkVI vs. Borgani
12:41 on Monday, June 27, 2005
and i got to your forum
Re: Selmer MarkVI vs. Borgani
17:53 on Monday, June 27, 2005
AMEN BGM!!!!! The myth behind that horn truly amazes me. I would put my Guardalas up against ANY Six you can find. ANY ONE FROM ANY ERA. In fact, I can tell you factual information that makes them better horns, but we are not going to go there. It is true, when you find a good one, you really do have a great horn, but as I have said in a previous post in this forum, getting to that horn is not easy and who has $15K-$20K to play with getting there?
I don`t want to make fun of you guys that have them, because you may be one of the lucky ones that actually got a good horn. I owned a great VI at one time. Balanced Action too. My current Alto blows them both away hands down.
Here`s a good pictoral if you are interested.
My horn is identical to this one.
I will close and say this: If you are limiting yourself to just these two brands, you are truly missing out.
If you are looking for a NEW horn, buy the Yamaha 82Z. Phil Woods lived on a Selmer Mark VI his whole life and he switched to the 82Z. He`s the best Alto man alive today and he swears it;s the best horn on the planet.
If you are looking for used, the possibilities are endless. I prefer Guardala horns over just about anything, but they are very hard to find. of luck to you.
Re: Selmer MarkVI vs. Borgani
18:54 on Monday, June 27, 2005
I don`t doubt you, but then i`ve never even heard of a Guardala or borgani either.