Cannonball Pros and Cons
14:23 on Wednesday, June 29, 2005
What are the pros and cons of Cannonball saxophones? Join it!
Re: Cannonball Pros and Cons
22:35 on Wednesday, June 29, 2005
I`m not sure of cannonballs history, but wern`t they like a custom knockoff of selmer? I mean, part of the company, but like a sub-division? Then selmer didn`t let them do what they wanted and they brokeaway?
I`ve played one cannonball sax very very breifly, and heres what I can tell you; it looked great. black laquer, gold or silver keyes (don`t remember) and loads of engravings. Thats it. I didnt` play it long enough to get the feel for it.
Re: Cannonball Pros and Cons
23:44 on Wednesday, June 29, 2005
From what most other people said, they look great, but their sound sucks.
Re: Cannonball Pros and Cons
12:15 on Thursday, June 30, 2005
(Bleeding Gums Murphy)
I agree. They`re well made horns, and drop-dead gorgeous, but the sound is really nothing special. Very Similar to a Selmer.
Re: Cannonball Pros and Cons
21:52 on Thursday, June 30, 2005
heh, you really don`t like selmers, do you? The new ones aren`t the best, and apparently the older ones aren`t either (I disagree but whatever, everyone has thier opinions). But, you can`t say the old selmers look good, cause most don`t; they lost all thier laquer.
Re: Cannonball Pros and Cons
02:13 on Friday, July 1, 2005
I think it is mainly the player that makes the horn have a "special" sound. Just because you don`t like Selmers doesn`t mean they suck.
Re: Cannonball Pros and Cons
19:54 on Saturday, July 2, 2005
(Bleeding Gums Murphy)
I never said they suck, I just don`t like the sound. Anyway, some of the old selmers actually do look very nice, especially the balanced actions with the engraving...
Thomas, I agree with you to an extent, but some players just don`t work well with certain horns, and that`s me with Selmers and most other small-bore saxes.
Re: Cannonball Pros and Cons
22:27 on Saturday, July 2, 2005
Alright, I can understand that. I, myself, really dislike Yamahas. However, you do need to tone it down a bit. I own a Selmer, and I die a little inside each time you proclaim your dislike of that certain brand. Cool?
Re: Cannonball Pros and Cons
14:16 on Thursday, July 21, 2005
(Wayne L.)
I`m a proud owner of a Mark VI Selmer Tenor horn.
I`ve also recently purchased a Cannonball Big Bell Alto and I`m extremely impressed by the playing ability and the sound is awesome with barely any effort. The ergonomic`s of the horn seem to allow you to relax your hands.
Re: Cannonball Pros and Cons
23:18 on Thursday, December 22, 2005
i have a cannonball pro alto and it sunds wonderful. just because they are new does not mean they arnt just as good as selmer or any of the other big brands
Re: Cannonball Pros and Cons
10:08 on Saturday, December 31, 2005
selmer SUCKS THEY ARE THE WORST HORN ON THE MARKET! BUY a CANNONBALL they look stunning sound great and check out there site In fact i just purchased a brand new black nickel plated T-5B its great
Re: Cannonball PROS, no cons
17:49 on Monday, February 6, 2006
Re: Cannonball Pros and Cons
17:59 on Monday, February 6, 2006
Re: Cannonball Pros and Cons
18:21 on Monday, February 6, 2006